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What Are Vital Records?

Published by Scott Hershman

You may never know when you need proof of your vital records. To put it simply, vital records are recorded information that needs to be protected in case of an emergency or a disaster in order to keep the business running as usual at a UN office. Most vital records are needed anywhere from a few minutes to 24 hours after emergencies in order to get your office operations up and running again. Our currency exchange in Elk Grove Village can help provide you with vital records in time-sensitive situations.

Examples of Vital Records

Only a handful of your records are considered vital. Approximately 2-4 percent of office records are considered vital. Some examples of vital records are birth certificates, marriage certificates or death certificates.

How WSCE Can Help

West Suburban Currency Exchange wants to help you in your time of need. Recovering vital records can be a stressful process, but our currency exchange in Elk Grove Village can help you obtain a copy of these records within 3-4 days. If you are 18 or older and you’re trying to obtain copies of your vital records, you’ll need to bring in a copy of your driver’s license or state ID. If you’re under the age of 18, make sure your parent is present and ready to provide his or her ID and a copy of the birth certificate for the minor.

Let our currency exchange in Elk Grove Village be there for you during stressful times. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to contact us to learn more information.

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